
Public outreach and talks

I give a number of talks on a variety of subjects and at a range of levels each year. I have given talks on my academic research: space weather, ionospheric modelling, data assimilation and data visualization, and in both mathematics and astronomy for public audiences. I also regularly give talks on STEM subjects at schools (both primary and secondary).

I can give talks both for the general public, more specialised audiences, or somewhere in-between. If you would like me to give a talk please just drop me an email, and we can arrange something suitable.

A selection of previous titles are given below.

  1. Sunny, with a mild chance of catastrophe
  2. Three Ancient Problems
  3. The Shape of the Universe
  4. The Hunt for the Fifth Equation
  5. The Storm to End All Storms
  6. Looking Closer at Flatland and Flatlanders (the physics of Flatland)
  7. Days to Decades: Forecasting Satellite Collisions
  8. Maths & Physics of Star Trek