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- MathsOnAMug
Complex Reflection Groups
My undergraduate thesis, and corresponding talk, on complex reflection groups
Distribution of Pancake Day
Today is pancake day and it got me thinking about the fact that I remember the day falling on my birthday (March 7th) just once in my lifetime. How long will I have to wait until it next falls on my birthday?
Relationship between Car Insurance Price and Population Density
Is the price of car insurance correlated with where you live?
Number of Unique Song Choices on Desert Island Discs
How many unique song choices to guests pick on Desert Island Discs?
Easy way to remember sin, cos and tan values
One of my tutees showed me an easy way to remember sin and cos values for the “common” angles, and once you’ve got those you’ve also got tan, cosec, sec and cot.
Correlation between Astronaut name and Apollo mission
Perhaps we’ve finally worked out Deke Slayton's method for choosing the Apollo crews, basing it on alphabetical order…