
How to Install the Edimax AC600 Wireless Driver for the Raspberry Pi

I use an Edimax AC600 series USB wireless device for my raspberry pi on Raspbian. Here is the easy way to install the driver for it. 

These easy instructions are only possible thanks to the amazing effort by MrEngman on who has worked tirelessly to make the driver for us!

Make sure your Pi is up-to-date and then restart the Pi:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get shutdown -r now

Now download a script to automatically work out the correct driver version:


Extract the downloaded file:

tar -xzf install-wifi.tar.gz

Run the script to make sure there is a suitable version of the driver:

./install-wifi -c

This will then tell you (a) if there is a driver and (b) its name. In my example the driver was ‘8812au’ so then I download and install the driver using:

./install-wifi 8812au

Finally reboot the Pi and hey presto, you’re done!

sudo shutdown -r now

16 thoughts on “How to Install the Edimax AC600 Wireless Driver for the Raspberry Pi

  1. Hi I’ve also been using this driver, but notice it’s no longer available. and this version doesn’t work for kernel version 4.4.50-v7+
    Have you had any luck finding a version that works?

    1. Hi Rob. Thanks for your comment, yes I see that the link no longer works. A bit of research later and I think I’ve got a new version. The script is available at:

      As far as I can tell updates to the Dropbox URLs caused the mix up. Hopefully if you run the script from the above you should find a working version.
      Let me know how you get on.


      1. Hi Sean,

        I am trying to do the same thing as Rob, but when I run the updated install-wifi script, I get the following output:

        Your current kernel revision = 4.4.50+
        Your current kernel build = #970

        Checking for a wifi module to determine the driver to install.

        Your wifi module is Bus 001 Device 005: ID 2357:0101

        And it uses the 8812au driver.

        Checking for a new 8812au wifi driver module for your current kernel.
        A driver does not yet exist for this update.

  2. Hi Sean,

    my kernel revision / build is 4.4.50-v7+ #970

    Do you have a driver for this version, too?


  3. Hi Sean,

    After running install-wifi gives following output:
    current kernel revision = 4.9.21+
    kernel build = #2

    But says unable to identify wifi module. I have Edimax EW-7811Un wireless adapter.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  4. Alguna versión para mi?

    root@kali:~# ./install-wifi -c

    Your current kernel revision = 4.4.50-v7+
    Your current kernel build = #1

    Checking for a wifi module to determine the driver to install.

    Your wifi module is Bus 001 Device 004: ID 148f:761a Ralink Technology, Corp.

    And it uses the mt7610 driver.

  5. Hi Sean,

    I am currently using:
    Your current kernel revision = 4.9.51-v7+
    Your current kernel build = #1036

    and the script is telling me:
    Checking for a new 8812au wifi driver module for your current kernel.
    A driver does not yet exist for this update.

    Is there an update that would make this work?


  6. Hi,

    I’m getting a “command not found” every time I try to run the install-wifi file

    Any idea why is this not working?

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