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Unlocking the Scientific Secrets of the Solar Eclipse
On April 8, 2024, a remarkable natural phenomenon will captivate the world – a total solar eclipse.
An Argument for xG
The use of expected goals (xG) in football has its proponents and, very high profile, detractors. I think it is useful and here are my reasons why.
The Northern Lights and technology's vulnerability to space weather
People across the UK have been mesmerised by the Northern Lights, but majestic as they are, the Lights remind us of our vulnerability to space weather.
Should You Really Worry About Solar Flares (Scientific American)
The sun is unleashing powerful outbursts that could strike Earth, but these events are far more common—and much less worrisome—than some hyped headlines suggest (redirect to SciAm)
As-many-days-together-as-not Calculator
Calculate the date when you have been with your significant other longer than you have not!
Euro 2020 – The Final Modelling Results
Final analysis of how our Euro 2020 model performed.
Euro 2020 – Round 1 Results & Validation Methodology
Description of the methodology for validating my Euro 2020 football model